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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sunset on Overall Beach

We celebrated Christmas at Mum's this past Saturday. We looked out the window, and snow flurries! The kids ran out and starting catching snowflakes on their tongues. I knew that the sunset would be pretty spectacular, so I got in the car to race down to the bridge to take some pix. My nephew & niece jumped in with me & off we went.

Mum's driveway.

Shenandoah River. That little land mass is Overall Beach.

And then! My nephew jumped over the guard rail and ran down the mountain side!

All the way down to the river.
He did this twice, and on the third time, my niece got brave and decided to go down as well. On her backside.
See the River House across the river up on the hill?

Hullo! The photo doesn't do this justice. It's REALLY steep & far down!

OK, kids. Come on back, now!



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