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Monday, January 23, 2012

Maggie on Monday

Lena at Mystic Pet turned me on to Natural Instinct, raw dog food. It comes in cubes or patties. Maggie LOVES it! Except that I'm spending more on her food than mine--haha. So then I started googling how to do home made raw food. Apparently tripe is good to add. I had to google tripe.* Anyway, I've been thinking about it ever since my Aussie friends said they feed their dogs raw turkey necks. They said dogs live 17-24 years over there. So I'm on the lookout for a butcher shop where I can get chicken backs, necks, tripe, organ meats, etc. Yum. In the meantime, she's eating hamburger this week.

Licking her plate clean.

All done.

Here she is in the office:

Tabby Bobcat in the doorway. What an expression on her face!

Maggie eyes Tabby. 

Love this photo! 

Tabby saunters out of the room.
This happens every once in a while. I let Maggie out and then putzy in the kitchen. I look out the front door periodically to check on her. She's usually on the front porch by the ramp or at the bottom of the ramp. Unless she's not. And then I panic.

Waaaaaah!  Where is she????

In another favourite spot!

Near the rose bush.  :-) All is well.
*this is also radio speak for blaaathering at the beginning of an intro. (Source: John Morgan, of "Morgan in the Morning" fame)

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