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Monday, February 6, 2012

Maggie on Monday

Lots of pix this week!  This is what I came home to when I was out running errands:

Maggie asleep on the rug, & Tabby on her bed!

In my office; Maggie's paws.

I took these for Mari. Hi Mari!  I'm also taking John Morgan's advice to get the camera lower.
Like here:

So Maggie is eye level. 
From a different angle:

Tabby in the background "chillin."
Another eye level shot:

Look at that face.  :-)  SO SWEET.

A vizzie from nephew Rowan:

And Chiro-sister Ruth.
Rowan feeding Maggie:

No food aggression when it comes to babies or other humans!

Taking it like a hummingbird.  

And then I took a video of Rowan with the "goggy."

I went shopping this weekend and saw this:

So true.  :-) 

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