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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Vizzie from the Mormons

So I've mentioned my Mormon friends before, mostly in Maggie on Monday posts. Elder LeSueur & Elder Huckzinger* came to my door and I opened it, looked at them standing there in their suits & I said, "Mormons?!"  (this never would have happened when I was living out in the wilderness at the River House) and started laughing. Then they started laughing and we stood on my front porch laughing. And we've been laughing ever since.

I thought it was Elder H's b-day so this was his card:

I also made one for Elder L.

And I made Elder H a Mormon candle out of a blank Catholic one:

I cut the picture out of one of the booklets they left me & mod podged it to the candle.

Back of the candle. 
Did you know that they have to wear their suits at all times? Even if one of them spontaneously decides to climb onto my roof in the almost-dark to clean out my gutters?

Really?  Elder L on the roof. 
"How did you get up there?" I asked. Elder H said, "On my shoulders." Silly me!  Getting down was a bit more of a challenge. It was a long jump down. I suggested the back porch might be closer to jump. As I was walking thru the house to check, we heard a THUD on the back porch. Elder H said, "Yup. I guess it was closer."

I've had them over to dinner a couple times. They have to bring another person with them to come into the house. So last Friday they invited me to a dinner at the church. I said, "You know I'm gluten free, guys. It's kinda hard to eat out." It turns out that one of the women cooking has a son who's GF, so she made me GF pasta. I took some glutenzyme, just in case. But it was delicious. Then dessert was a cake auction to raise money for the girls to go to camp. These were some fancy cakes! One went for $135.  I said, "What?! You've invited me to a gluten auction?!"  In the end, I bought them a cake:

Who needs forks?
Elder H is v. fond of Tabby Bobcat. He calls her Bob:

Demonstrating proper flying cat form.

I once caught a cat this big.
 I took this picture mostly to show off Elder L's tie:

Nuclear orange.

Elder H rockin' the Secret Service look.  Elder L's tie, still saying, "HELLO!  I'm a tie!"
 Sadly, Elder L is getting transferred about a half hour away, so the dynamic duo is breaking up. His new partner will be Elder Pounder, whom we met in an earlier Maggie on Monday post. Elder H will have a brand new guy. He's going to stop by & we're going to pretend it's our first meeting. Shhhh . . . . but Elder H doesn't think I can pull it off. "You'll just start laughing," he said.  We'll see . . . .

So for Elder H's b-day this Friday, & Elder L's going-away, I got them each a Mancala game. I lent them mine a few weeks ago & they are big fans. And they got very good, very fast & beat me!

Playing it up for the camera.

I also made Elder L a Mormon candle. 

Elder L says that Elder H looks constipated in this photo. Hahahaha
 Elder H took my camera & took some pix:


Me & Elder L.

Elder H's foot with Tabby in the back ground.
And then I sent them off with some homemade GF bread:

YUM. They said they don't miss the gluten. 
*I just realized that it's Elder HUNTzinger, not Huckzinger. I guess I will have to stop calling him Hucky when I'm talking about him & Elder L (aka LeSwee) to Brother Atlasta.

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