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Monday, April 23, 2012

High School Concert

Last Saturday Chiro-sis & I went to my nephew's choral concert, the 2012 All County Chorus Festival. Prior to finding out about the concert, I had planned on going to see Sir Ken Robinson speak in Richmond that night. He's a pioneer in the field of creativity in education.  As much as I had been looking forward to seeing him, my nephew was more important. I'll see Sir Ken another time, but seeing Dimples up on stage singing so sweetly was so worth it!

We stayed for the whole show, even tho his performance was one of the first. I was so impressed with the performances. The music was awesome & there was such enthusiasm, passion and joy from the teachers & students. It was such a pleasure to be there! I ended up getting my dose of creativity & inspiration without Sir Ken.  ;-)

I've posted on YouTube the final performance of the concert, Shut De Do performed by high school students from Central HS, Stonewall Jackson HS, & Strasburg HS. I was so impressed with the director, Thomas Tutwiler. I loved what he said before they started singing & I'm so glad I got it on video. [Side note: Chiro-sis started the clapping fest for him]. The quality isn't the best, but I'm happy to have a record of it.

Everyone is saying our country's in trouble, our young people are in trouble. I will tell you I worry about that, too. But in the past 72 hours, I've worried about that a lot less because if these young people behind me are samples of what our future holds for us, my friends, we're going to be OK . . . . Shut the door in the face of all darkness that's out there . . . let some light come into this world. ~Thomas Tutwiler

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