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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Tabby Bobcat Thursday

I'm missing M&M. And Barkley & Remi. But I don't want to rush into getting a new dog just yet. Mostly because I don't think I have the energy to do it--certainly not for a puppy. I was lying on the sofa watching TV and my hand fell down toward the carpet and I just missed Maggie. It's where she would be if she were still with me. It's where Barkley would have been, too.

Here's Tabby curled up in a box of John Morgan stuff; maps, calendars, etc. 

I was going to cover the box in pretty fabric or get crafty & collage or decoupage, but as you can see, Tabby has been chewing the edges. She does that. 

She greets me at the door like a dog and makes a trilling noise as she talks to me. She scratches at my bedroom door which is a cat-free zone.

"This here is good chewing cardboard."

She is my connection to M&M. And I think she misses them. Should I get another cat to keep her company? Ugh. Twice the litter box. And I don't really want to become a cat woman. And I want to get my house in order.  Always a work in progress! Anyway, missing the girls and grateful for Tabby, all in one. 

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