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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bingo Is Her Name-O!

I have a new dog in the house; Bingo. She's a sweet black lab mix with a tail that thumps on the floor when I look at her. I went to meet her a couple weeks ago, and picked her up yesterday. She's a smart girl who knows Sit, Down & Roll Over with hand signals. So cute! I tried it this morning in the kitchen, but then she just lay on her back for the roll over because she wants me to scratch her belly again.

Here she is at our meet 'n' greet with Jessica, the gal who rescued her 6 years ago:

She was found after a drug raid, tied to a tree, weighing all of 15 lbs. at 6 months old. Can you imagine? Poor thing!  You can tell she's a happy girl from her pictures:

As I write this, she is sitting by my side. I reach down and give her a scratch and she thumps her tail.

Yesterday when we got home, I gave her a Mercola dental bone which she ate right up!

Bingo sporting her Thunder Shirt, which helps to calm her during storms.
Tabby and Bingo did not have a good introduction. Bingo chased after her and Tabby was not amused. Here she is looking at Bingo from behind the TV:

Bingo cheerfully looking at Tabby:

Hullo.  :-)
 So here's the deal: UPDATE!  I was looking for a home for her but she found it. Here. With me. And even Tabby is getting used to her. More Bingo-blogging to come . . . . 

Look at this sweet face.  :-)

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