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Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday for Mari

Summer time . . . and the livin' is easy.

One year I made an M&M calendar for Mari with some of my favourite pictures of the girls. I'm feeling a bit nostalgic, not just for M&M, who were both with me this time last year, but also the River House. Here are their dog days of summer:

When I first got Millie, her lower back was so restricted, she couldn't wag her tail. After months of massage-Reiki-myofascial work, it was a special delight to see her doing this:

Ah, fresh laundry on the line and the girls just hanging out:

The photo to the left was taken thru the bay window of my living room. The other two were the girls peeking out thru the forsythia bush:

My favourite view from the labyrinth, with Millie:

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