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Monday, August 6, 2012

Bingo on Monday

This is one of Tabby's favourite spots:

Zzzzzzz . . . . 
And here is Bingo, by the front door, in one of her spots:

Tabby still asleep. 
Bingo had some excitement this week. My niece & nephew came over for a vizzie and we went for a walk:

My niece saw this bunny. Bingo-the-bloodhound, did not.  ;-)

They took turns walking her.


On our way back, past the lake.

Switching back, now it's Zoe's turn:

Down the driveway.

Bingo checking on me. Whenever she felt like I was too far behind, she'd stop.

One last stop into the woods.
 Then we went to Brother Atlasta's house where everyone loves Bingo. The last time I popped over, my  brother said, "Where's Bingo?"  Nice that she's welcome and also nice that it's so easy to have her hop in the car.

Belly rubs from Zoe.  :-)
 Bingo went and sat in the kitchen by the entrance. I looked over and Marlene had joined her:

Bingo is getting lots of LOVE!

Pic taken with Fancy-pants camera at eye-level.   Look at that sweet face.  :-)

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