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Monday, September 17, 2012

Walkies with Bingo

Look how alert she is:

She sees SOMEthing!
Last week, my dear friend Elaine came for a quick vizzie & we went for a walk:

We walked the street that goes along the lake. There has been building across the lake from my house all summer. It turns out it's a Habitat for Humanity house! So we took a quick looksie:

Elaine & Bingo checking out the back porch.

View across the lake to my house (which you can't see).

In other news, Bingo has mastered the Kong Wobbler:

This week we also had a vizzie with Neighbor Rita. I ran some errands for a few hours, so I took Bingo  over:
Hanging in the garage.

I was trying to get a photo with her & Dana, but Bingo got up too fast.

Sweet pic of Rita & Dana.
Rita is a hair stylist & has a mobile hair care business. She comes to you. We did a blog for her this weekend: Wilton Mobile Hair Care. Go see!

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