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Monday, October 8, 2012


It's been a bit rainy this week. Here are a few pix of our walks:

Wow--look at all those energy orbs.  Or rain drops.

The leaves are starting to change.

Heading back.

In the back yard:

Leaves are falling . . . 

Red bud leaves.

Look like hearts.

Heading into the woods. Tabby goes with us.

Sniffing the air.

Tabby oversee his domain.

Bingo walks by.

With Anne at the end of the driveway.
Last night I was heading out with my friend Anne to my sister's. Bingo darted out the door ahead of me. I thought maybe she needed to go out, but she headed straight to the car & jumped in when I opened the door. Ha! I guess she knew I was leaving because she saw me grab my purse. Anne loves Bingo. Everyone does.  :-)

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