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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bingo in the Fall

Sorry I missed Bingo's post yesterday!  But I have lots of photos to make up for it! We've had another great week together. Here we are a few days ago on an early morning walk down to the lake:

The leaves are just beginning to turn.

I have to be careful about Bingo walking on the side of the road because sometimes there's broken glass, which I pick up when I can. 

Misty morning lake. 
 Here we encounter something new!

A neighbor's fall decorations.

Bingo always takes time out to smell the flowers.  *sniff*

Heading back along the lake.

Along the concrete . . . whatever it's called.

Bingo wanting to investigate the dog sounds up the hill.
 Yesterday afternoon, heading up the driveway:

Tabby always comes to join us. And nestle into the dirt.

Fall!  is falling. It was the first day where the trees are really showing off their colours!
Bingo weaving in & out of the grass. 
See her leash? This is an endless source of fascination for Tabby.
 Aaaand to the back yard:
She LOVES the woods! So many smells to smell. Tabby joins us, of course.
Sorta shot of the lake. You can see it better in the winter, of course.
And this is what Bingo looks like after our walks:
Before the brush down; little sticker things.
 This morning's walk:

If I can't get Tabby back in the house, I don't go down to the lake with Bingo. Tabby would follow, and there are too many cars. He doesn't go near the road and I don't ever want to encourage him to do so!

Into the woods in front of my house. See Tabby eyeing the leash?

 Aaaaand Tabby going for the leash!
Bingo oblivious.
 Back into my driveway:
LOVE this tree with all the different colours!

Show off.  ;-)
 Into the back yard:

More fall foilage:

One of my favourite trees all year round: Red Bud. GORGEOUS in the spring and so sweet in the fall with their heart-shaped leaves. The trees really took a beating with the caterpillars this year!

Rows of hearts.

Bingo and Tabby.
 I'm back and forth between an invisible fence and a fence-fence; advantages to both. I have to keep her on the leash because she'll run off after deer thru the woods. I'm sure she'd come back, but I don't want to take the chance of losing her. An invisible fence is easier with the mowing, but doesn't keep things out--deer, other dogs, etc. A physical fence will take some time to build; but I think I'm ready to be able to open the back door and let her out. Plus, she likes to run & she can't do that on the leash. No, Mum. I'm not running with her!
Shot of lake thru woods. 
 Bingo sees Neighbor Thomas in his back yard:
Standing all alert-like. Notice the leash?
 I didn't capture it exactly, but you can sort of see Tabby's eyes; they dilate right before he pounces. (Gah! just wrote she again)!
Getting ready to pounce on the leash.
Here's another shot of him watching with eyes fully dilated:
Good Halloween pic!

So those are the pix from my lil point 'n' shoot.  Here are the ones from my fancy-pants camera:

Vizzie with Pioneer Sister & kiddliewinks this past weekend. Here's Dimples walking Bingo at  Brother Atlasta's.

Bingo leading the way.
 At the end of her walk, inside sacked out:
Zzzzzz . . . 
 And then, back home:
She sleeps in a little ball, all curled up. I woke her with the camera.

Stretching out . . .

"Well, since you're here . . . belly rub?"  
Pioneer Sister came to see my house for the first time and we were standing in the living room chatting. I mentioned something about the car and Bingo all of a sudden got very excited. Pioneer Sister said, "Well, she knows the word CAR!" Other words in her vocabulary: WALK, FOOD, TREAT, OUT, PEANUT BUTTER. Such a smart cookie! 

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