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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA

A coupla weeks ago, my friend Lena came for a vizzie & we took a trip into Richmond to see the Hollywood Cemetery. I've always wanted to go back since I'd been there in the '80's, but it had never been a priority. It was nice to be able to go with a friend & it was a GORGEOUS fall day.

The cemetery is HUGE & was designed to be a park of sorts. I know this because last week PBS had a documentary on it. The landscaping is gorgeous; hills and curvy paths and beautiful statues. I took 200+ photos, so I'm going to break it down into 2 posts. This is the first half of the trip:

Love the angel sculptures.

Sweet cherubs.

More angels:

Detail of a bench.

Even in a graveyard, I find the fellow dog lovers!

This was my favourite.

I love her & I don't know her. Dog lover, beloved by her family. She must have been special.

Great quote from St. Therese

So sweet.

Saw a lot of people taking a stroll.
While I love the statuary, the trees were stunning! 

Ahhhh . . . 

Fell in love with this one.
Such a show off.

Bye tree. I'll be back for a spring PIC (not PIE).

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