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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mum is back from her trip to Bolivia.

Big hug from Brother Atlasta.

Mum looking at the finished bamboo floor job that he did at chiro-sis Ruth's house.

Ta-DA!  Wait. . . one of these boards is not like the other. . . . 

Mum got some coffee when she was there.

OMG, there really IS a Juan Valdez! 
Later, Mum came to inspect admire the work I've been doing on the house, & to have a mini-Bones fest:

She approves of the new sofa. I will do a Before-and-After post when I finish painting.
Yesterday, I popped by Mum's and this is what she was doing:

Me: What are you doing, Mum?
Mum: Oh, just binding this piece of carpet.
Me: Of course you are.

LOVE you, Mum!  :-) H.

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