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Monday, May 13, 2013

Bingo on Monday

This picture reminds me of one of those hunting dog pictures of a labby-retriever type dog with a limp duck hanging from his mouth:
Bingo, minus sad duck.
Bingo went for a vizzie with Roy & Dana:

By the time I got to the fence to take a photo, Bingo was already at the door on the other side of the house.

No time to take a pic of Bingo at the door, because Dana was running toward the door. Roy's a bit slower:

Sorry, Dana!
Sunday's walk:
Bingo ever on the look out for squirrels & deer.

Tabby coming up to Bingo to nose-kiss, but do I EVER get that on camera?!
 Look!  Another 4-leaf clover:

Bingo & I on are way to the lake & Tabby is in stealth-mode:


 And he's off!

Sorry for the blurriness. Kinda hard to snap a pic & hold on at the same time!
Bingo's all: Whaaaa?
 Heading down to the lake:

Tabby joins us:

My GORGEOUS back yard:
See the labyrinth behind the gum tree?

Back up the driveway:

And time to go in, but Bingo gets all suddenly-sniffy:
And that was our week.  :-)

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