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Monday, May 27, 2013

Bingo on Monday

I'm writing this on Thursday morning before I head out of town for the weekend. I'm doing a lymphatic drainage (massage therapy) training. Woo-hoo!  So I'm pre-posting this & combining B-Dog & T-Bob posts.  These are our morning walkies pix:
OK, Bingo. No peeing in the labyrinth!

Hullo.  Fuzzy non-star sun up above.

Love my trail down here.

Across the bridge.
 OK. Watch THIS!
Circus dog!  She jumps from one fallen tree to the other!

This is the best pic I could get so far. 

View of the lake.

Jumping on another fallen tree.

Tabby joining us.

Woosh!  This would be more impressive in focus. 

Leaves of three, stay away from me: poison ivy.

Boggy area that feeds into the lake.

On the lookout for deer.

Was trying to get another pic of her on the logs.

Aaaaand it would be more impressive if we could see her feet!

Back up the trail.  

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