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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sweet Surprise in My Yard

I went away for a few days last week. Last weekend, Chiro-sis & I started the new labyrinth. We also started to spruce up Maggie's grave/garden. I got some chicken wire from Brother Atlasta & we put it down before the mulch. This is supposed to deter cats from using mulch in gardens as their litter box.

Tabby in the labyrinth. This is what he used to do at the River House, too.

With animals & children, you have to get down at eye-level to take their pictures. But as soon as I do:
Tabby comes toward me.
When I got back from my trip, I discovered Chiro-sis had come over & distributed all the rocks that I had into the labyrinth. And she finished Maggie's garden:
Heart-shaped for my sweet Maggie. 

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