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Monday, November 18, 2013

Bingo & Reggie at Their Other Mommy's

Last weekend I went to Chicago for a seminar and Bingo & Reggie went to the Wilton Hilton; to my friend Rita's. I called the first night to see how Reggie was getting on. I knew he'd be fine, but just wanted to make sure. No worries, of course!

Here are some photos when I went to pick them up:
Dana & Rita. Dana & Roy's bed is a real mattress with blankets.


Reggie was dancing around. He wanted to join in, but was still a bit timid.

Here's Reggie, again. Kisses with Bingo & Rita.

So then Reggie sat down.

Roy. Rita says Reggie & Roy are best buds.

I took Reggie's crate, but Rita said they all slept together.

After cuddles, Rita gave them all some cheese:
"Bingo, Roy, Dana."

Reggie watches, but doesn't join in.
I had an appointment the next morning, so Rita said, "Why don't you let them stay another night & you can get them tomorrow." So they stayed an extra day. When I got home, Rita called and told me that she was sitting on the floor, and Reggie was sitting on her lap. Awww . . . he's coming around!

The next day I went to pick them up:
Reggie at the door.

Dana, Reggie & Roy.

Here comes Bingo!

Hullo. Look at those tails wagging!

 I loaded up the dogs, & Rita brought Dana & Roy to the bedroom porch to say goodbye:

"Bye, Bingo & Reggie!"
Back at Home

Reggie is settling in. He's following me around the house, now. When I'm in the office, more often than not, he's in there with me.


This is my barricade of the cat door in the kitchen:
Cat out, dog in!

One of Reggie's hang-out spots, the couch. 
 In the office:

*sniff* Reggie at my knees.


 This is new for me:
I've not had a chewing problem since Remi was a puppy, 15+ years ago. I thought the chewing sound was from Reggie's chew toy, pictured on the right. No. It was from chewing the corner of the dog bed and then pulling out the stuffing! Right at my feet, no less. Hahahaha So I have to watch him. 

We are working on leash training. He's not pulling as much, and he can walk by my side. He's not as distracted by squirrels, like Bingo. In the morning, they have their breakfast and then I walk Reggie first. Then I take Bingo out. She tracks his trail and then piddles over his piddles. It's very funny. 

We are scheduled to get the fence finished this week. So they will have an opportunity for more romping around. Dana & Roy will come for a vizzie when it's finished. YAY!

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