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Monday, November 4, 2013

Bingo & RoRo & T-Bob

I was spozed to do this post before I left for England. I'm a bit behind, but I'm catching up. Here's Rowan on his last vizzie with Bingo.

He LOVES to watch Bingo eat out of her Kong toy.
Heading out for our walk.

"Let's go this way!"  

Rowan runs ahead.

Down the trail.

Look how GREEN everything still was!

Tabby looking at something intently.
Doing Downward Dog. 

Tabby getting out of the way.

Red bud leaves.

Cows across the street.

"I gotchyer cows right here."

Another day:
She does this when she hears Tess, our mail carrier friend. Who is it, Bingo?


Bingo says hello by licking Rowan's knee.

Mum says a cheery hullo to Bingo.

Bingo getting into proper belly rub position.

"Hey! She's licking me!"  (Which sounds like, "Hey! She's wicking me!")

"Hey! Now she's licking my elbow!" 

"Stop Bingo!"

"Do it again!"

Bingo obliges.

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