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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

England: On the Way Back to London & Home

Oh, look! It was sunny as we headed back to London:

Sort of.

"No speed limits!" 

Not a v. good shot, but this tree was growing on the bridge.

More rain.

And then!

Double rainbow!

Love the light.

A bit blurry, but that's a sign for one of a bazillion round-abouts. 

See that truck? They have double-decker sized trucks. GREAT-BIG-HUGE. 

We stopped at a rest stop. "TASTES LIKE fresh milk" does not mean it's fresh milk.

Last pub meal. Seeing this menu made me wonder if we had unwittingly been eating DISHONEST food all week.  And yes, I had mushy peas. Of course. Oh! And my cousin gave me a bag of my own to bring back home. AWESOME!

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