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Sunday, December 15, 2013

De-Dogged Living Room

Saturday, I took Bingo & Reggie to Rita's for a play day with Dana & Roy, and I did an uber-clean of the living room. Bingo & Reggie had a sleep-over, and I picked them up later Sunday afternoon. Mum couldn't come over to see it, so I'm posting a few pix:

Cleaned & dusted everything on the mantel, & added some festive Christmas bells.

Reading chair.

I covered the TV with a Red scarfy-type thing.

Such a pretty sofa. Too bad I have to keep it covered!
I love that rug--so velvety soft & distressed (not EMOTIONALLY, just made to look old). 
 Aaaaand here we are, ready to let the dogs back in:
Reggie's crate back in with fresh blankets, dog beds all laundered, drop cloth canvases back on the sofa, and velvety-soft rug goes back into the spare bedroom.

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