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Monday, December 30, 2013

St. Luke's Labyrinth: Part 1

I've been working on a canvas labyrinth for St. Luke's Episcopal Church, and I finally got it taped off this past weekend. It's my most ambitious one yet. It's four 12 X 15 canvases that I velcroed together. I started with blue painter's tape:

I ran out of blue tape, and went to the closest store, Tractor Supply and got some more. Then I picked up a pack of masking tape, just in case, at half the price. SO glad I did!  I ended up running out of blue tape, and finished with the masking tape. It was so much easier to work with. So that will be my go-to tape from now on. 

I did an abbreviated version of the Chartres Cathedral labyrinth:

Here's the finished taping:   

But it's not round, you may be thinking. At first I was going to do it round, but the canvas is so large and it required too much math. [shaking fist] Math!  Plus, it wasted so much canvas to make it round. So I optimized the space. Here are the canvases separated and folded:

Rather bulky & heavy. I had to carry them 2 at a time. 
The next part is to paint it. Stay tuned . . . .

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