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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Back Yard Sunrises

Winter time seems to have the most colourful sunrises. Wherever I've been, they seem pinker in the winter:
Bay House.
At the River House.
And this past week:

Thursday morning, I awoke to Reggie making a growly-barky noise. Usually he does that when he wakes up and Bingo isn't on her bed near him. But that is not what he was making noise about. It was this:
When I saw this, I gasped. By the time I got my camera, it had turned from crimson red to this.

It transitions very quickly:

Tomorrow is my birthday. I turn 50. How did that happen? I'm sure everyone with a birthday ending in a zero asks that question! It has made me reflect back on my life and with that reflection comes such gratitude for where I am--and who I am, today. With that in mind, in honour of my b-day, and in lieu of gifts, I'm requesting that you donate to Animal Adoption and Rescue. This was the rescue organization that saved Maggie and Millie:
M&M had been dumped on the side of Jefferson Davis Highway.
One more of M&M, just because:
Zzzzzz . . . in my office.
 AARF also brought me my sweet Bingo:

They are tireless and dedicated in their commitment to saving dogs and the world is a better place because of them. A special THANK YOU to Mari!
Mari, who rescued M&M, saying goodbye as they head home with me.  :-)

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