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Monday, February 10, 2014

Doggie Monday

This is going to be a short post for now. My computer has crashed & is getting repaired by Brother Atlasta. In the meantime, I am tippy-tapping on my iPad and can't download any of the lovely pix from this week. I have ordered a new hard drive which should be here by Tuesday. I got out my old laptop but will have to get Atlasta to update it because I can't get online. *sigh*  First world problem, I know. So Doggie Monday might come on Wednesday.

I will say this, tho. Last Wednesday I came home & opened Reggie's crate & then gave Bingo belly rubs on her bed. Reggie's tail goes thunka-thunka-thunka in his crate. Then he came out, sniffed my ear, and gave me little kiss on the cheek and then went back in his crate. We continue to have progress!

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