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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Before & After: Office Closet

You may remember my organization post about the office work I did with organizer Kathy Jenkins. It only took me 10 months and 3 hours to clean out my office closet as homework from my last session. My file cabinets & desk drawers are still maintained, but the closet loomed over me:
Yikes. Threatening to spill on me every time I added something to the piles.
Working on the closet, necessitated addressing this area:
The plastic bin on the right holds gift bags, tissue paper, ribbons & bows. 
So I moved the gift bag drawers to the closet:
Much better!
 What I did:

Top shelf: Book bag, laptop bag, portable file folder that holds warranties & product info.

Second shelf: New drawer unit on left to hold all packaging envelopes to send out journals, CDs, artwork, etc. Gift packaging drawer unit on the right. On either side of the drawer units, boxes broken down; small on left, large on right. Whatever didn't fit, got recycled. On top of packaging drawer unit is a container to store bubble wrap. Again, whatever didn't fit, got recycled. On top of gift drawer unit is a container for bows.

On floor: box (with other boxes on top) with file folders. A metal trash can houses packaging paper and wrapping paper. On the right is a full spectrum light that I had on the table, but am putting away in anticipation of SPRING.

Here is the other area reorganized:
MUCH better!  The B&W laser printer sits on a new-old piece I just got at a thrift store for $10. I had planned on using it in the massage room, but it works really well here. The photo printer is on top of the cabinet that hold all the different kinds of paper. 
What I learned in my organization sessions with Kathy continues to pay off!

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