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Monday, March 17, 2014

(Belated) Doggie Monday

I've not taken too many photos. Until today, the days were getting warmish and springy. The frogs were already singing (both tree and lake, if you were wondering). Here are Bingo & Reggie hanging out on the back porch:
Reggie chewing on one of his toys.

 Every once in a while, Reggie will bark-bark-bark and I go out and it's because Bingo is chewing on his antler. Not that she'd chew on one if I gave her one of her own!
See Reggie's tail? Swishy.

He's a waggy guy.

Another shot of Reggie at the back door.

Chillin' on the sofa. Protected by drop cloths.

Tabby on my corner chair.  Zzzzz . . . . 
 And then!  SNOW. AGAIN!
Which they like to eat. 

Snowy nose.  :-)
 Back inside:
I'll have to video it, but Reggie slides down in slow motion off the sofa.

Bingo on her bed.
 They were in-and-out all day!
Bingo all snowy.

 And then Tabby usurped Bingo's bed:

Bingo dancing around. I was nestled in the corner chair by the toasty wood stove doing some organization of office stuff. Good times. 

Reggie in his crate, coming out. 

HAPPY St. Patrick's Day!

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