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Monday, May 5, 2014

Doggie Monday

Apologies for the delayed post!  It has been a GORGEOUSLY GREEN week, with lots of rain! Here's Reggie:


Bingo says HULLO.

 RoRo Vizzie
He doesn't WALK anywhere!

Bingo in her Thunder Shirt.

Running down to the gate.

Rowan wanted to take Bingo for a walk down to the lake. After 4 inches of rain. In between rain storms.

Bingo & Rowan waiting for me to cave in. 
 T-Bob reflected pretty much how I felt about going down to the lake in the mud:

But we did go down. Sorry, no pix. I was afraid it would start raining again & didn't want to risk taking my camera down. As it turns out, it was a good call! It did start raining. Again.  *sigh*

'member when I first looked at this house and found a 4-leaf clover? 
 So I wanted to take more pictures, because once I started looking, I kept seeing more and more. But then this:

But eventually I managed to pick them:
26. I shoulda played the lottery that day. Ha.

The real luck is in the background of this picture.  [Side note here: REALLY, Blogger? You're not letting me do a heart emoticon? You mistake it for some broken html code? You don't recognize emoticons? *SIGH*   End of rant]. 
 And here's Reggie:
Happy, relaxed mouth & waggy tail.  Makes my heart smile.  :-)

Bingo sunning herself, but here comes Reggie:

"Come on, let's play!"

He is literally running circle around her!

I was out of town from Thursday afternoon to Sunday night. Bingo and Reggie went to the Wilton Hilton, of course. Again--sorry, no pix. (BAD blogger)!  Will make more of an effort next time . . . .Anyway, usually Chiro-sis comes over to check on T-Bob, but she was with me this time. So I asked Brother Atlasta to come over. He emailed this:

Checked cat. He seemed disinterested and aloof.  Quite frankly was being a bit of an asshole, but then I remembered he's a cat so all is normal. Plenty of food and water. Changed water anyway. 

Hahahahaha  All is well. 

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