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Monday, June 23, 2014

Doggie Monday

Sorry for the delayed post. I was away this weekend in Baltimore for the I Can Do It! Conference. Bingo & Reggie went to friend Rita's, a.k.a. The Wilton Hilton. I realized as I downloaded all the pix on my camera, that I didn't have any of the dogs!  So I made sure to take my camera when I went to pick up Bingo & Reggie.

Here's Reggie with his GF, Dana:

Rita says they are inseparable.


Dana knows what's coming; her friends GOING.
 Here comes Bingo:

 And then into the sunroom, ready to come into the house:

I guess I was taking too long to let them in!

Dana, Bingo, Reggie. Roy never came over.

So I loaded them up, and let them out:
Back in their own domain.


I looked down by the door, and there was this little guy in my soup mug:
Rita called me when I was in Baltimore. My first reaction was "Oh-no-there's-something-wrong!" But there wasn't. She just called to tell me that Reggie was sitting on the bed with her, licking her face. Hahahaha  She said, "He has come a LONG way since you got him!"  Yes. Yes he has! Then she giggled and said, "He's licking my toes!"  I said, "Put some peanut butter on there and he'll do your whole foot." 

Right now as I write this, Bingo is on the floor beside my chair. Reggie is just outside the door in the hallway. Both are snoozing. A good thing to do on a lazy, summer afternoon!  

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