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Monday, August 18, 2014


This is Rosie. She and her brother got dumped at 5 months old by the garage some guys work in. She and her brother were super scared and hid in the woods near there. It was in mid winter. The garage guys could hear them barking back there but could not catch them. The brother got killed by a car and it took Rosie MONTHS to even let them get near her. Now she is a 60 lb. lap dog.

She is on Iverheart- so she is heartworm negative. They pooled their money and got all of her vetting done- spay, shots, heartworm test.

I found out about her from my mail carrier, Tessa. We are looking for a rescue group or a great home! Please SHARE THIS, especially if you are in the Richmond, VA area! If you can help please contact: Mvtanito [at] aol [dot] com

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