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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

HAPPY Anniversary, Reggie!

It's been a whole year since Reggie joined me & Bingo. I first saw his picture from Lost Dog Rescue on a Facebook post when I was in England.
Look at his squishy face. He reminded me of Remi.

The description of Reggie:

Reggie is a handsome boy who came to us shy and scared from West Virginia. Since then Reggie has blossomed into a silly sweetheart, who greets you with tail wags so big that his whole butt shakes with his happy tail. Reggie is still very shy with strangers, but he warms up quickly with a gentle approach and some extra treats. Give him some time to settle in and he will be licking your fingers and cuddling on the couch. Reggie LOVES other dogs! He is looking for a home with another dog to be his best friend and tour guide. He is also good with kitties so he can be everyone’s buddy. Reggie loves being outdoors and is very athletic. He enjoys running around in the yard with his pals and has an expert sniffer for finding chipmunks. He would be an excellent hiking or running buddy if you like to hit the trails. Indoors, Reggie likes to chew on his antlers, play with his squeaky toys, and snooze on big fluffy dog beds. Reggie is already housetrained and crate-trained. He LOVES treats so he learns quickly and has been a joy to train. Reggie may take a little more effort to get to know, but he is worth every bit of it. Don’t miss out on this special sweetheart!

I went to pick him up the weekend after I got back from the U.K. He was very shy. It was a 3-hour ride back from Northern VA. The last 15 minutes, he jumped to the passenger seat from the back. Progress! Progress has been a recurring theme thru the year. 

Zzzzz . . . . 
Our arrival; Bingo peeking out thru the cat door:

Reggie was SO timid. He wouldn't let me pet him and he was tuned in to my every move. If I moved, he moved. He loved Bingo, tho. "You'll have to teach Reggie how we roll, Bingo. Treats, belly rubs and general merriment!"

Not so good with kitties & Bob was not a fan of being chased!
He came with a bag of toys and he LOVES chewing:

Reggie's chewing was not limited to his toys; shortly after his arrival, I walked into the living room to find him chewing the arm of the sofa. I covered it with duct tape. Here it is, as modeled by Bingo:
And more recently re-chewed by Buddy!
The fence wasn't finished when Reggie first arrived, so I had to blockade the cat door because he could squeeeeeeeeze thru. He did that the first morning I walked Bingo down to the lake. I saw a black streak thru the woods. He's FAST!

In the Back Yard
Reggie looking at the neighbor's dog:

Stick Boy


The labyrinth.
Reggie frolicking as I walk the labyrinth.
Here he is again, on another day:

Reggie & Tabby Bobcat

I took these pix thru the kitchen window on the back door:
Waggy tail & T-Bob is wary.
"Nothing to see here."
"See? I'm wagging my tail."
Thru the office window:
"Wanna be friends?"
Oh. Hullo.

Romping with Bingo

Coming to say hullo to me:
Swishy-swish with the tail.
He can go OUT thru he cat door, but he won't come back IN!
He just whines til I open the door. Has me trained!
This was a familiar sight for the first few weeks; Reggie at the front door:

He was scared to come in, so he would do this little dance. Not such a problem in WARM weather. But we had some really cold days. He wouldn't come in unless I went out. So then I used this so he'd go in the house & not run around & around the deck:

In The Office
The office has had a few evolutions. This is when Reggie's crate was in there:

More chewing! See his toy there? The fluff is from the dog bed!

Progress! Reggie not in his crate, but on the bed behind me.

This was a bone that I got for Bingo when I first got her. She's never
been much of a chewer. Reggie found it and made good use of it!
With a bully stick.

For the longest time, Reggie would come up behind me, but wouldn't come close to me from the front. So this was progress! 
*sniff*  & then he licks my knees.

In the Living Room
These first pix were taken the first week Reggie came. He came with that polka dot blanket:
I put it over a dog bed so it would feel familiar to him.

Zzzzz . . . .

On the sofa:

He doesn't like the camera. So I generally get one or two shots & then he slow-mo's it off the sofa to his crate:

Another dance at the door.

Rita Vizzies
He gets SO EXCITED going to Rita's! He & Bingo both know when they see the suitcase that they're going to see Dana & Roy.

Going to the Wilton Hilton.

In Dana & Roy's bedroom:

Coming back to pick them up:

Look at that tail going swishy-swish!

Reggie in Rita's bedroom.
On her bed.
On the way back home, he hopped up to sit with me. He usually stays back in the back with Bingo:

Dana & Roy coming for a visit:
With GF Dana.


Another pick up from Rita's:
Reggie on Rita's bed.

Happy boy!
Rita on Rita's bed with Reggie behind her:

On the Deck
At the bird feeder:

Reggie found an old cup under the deck:

With a bone.


Whatchya lookin' at, Reggie?

Chiro-sis vizzie:

Spring Time

 Swish-swish goes his tail.

In the Boudoir
This was such a surprise! For the first time ever, Reggie jumped up on the bed with me!

Buddy was there, too. So perhaps that gave him the courage. [Side note: this was after Buddy's neutering, so he's wearing the cone.]
Reggie & Buddy are such good pals. Bingo has slowed down in the last year & doesn't want to race around the yard. Reggie would be running circles around her as she's trotting out to do her business. "Can I just pee in peace?" So when Buddy came along, Reggie got a new romping buddy:

I looked out my office window to see this:

As I reflect on this past year with Reggie, I think we've made great progress. It's apparent that he was severely abused. The first time I picked up a broom he ran to his crate. He still is very in tune with what my hands are doing and I don't make sudden moves. The first day I got him, I brushed my hand up to my head and he shot away from me down the hall. It takes a lot of reconditioning for him to be able to trust humans again. Slowly, but surely, we are getting there. I have to give credit to Rita because she's helped a lot, too. She gives him treats and when she calls him, he comes trotting over  to her and licks her fingers. His favourite approach is to come up behind. Sniff-sniff in the ear. If I'm sitting outside on the deck steps, he comes up behind me and licks my neck. 

When I come home from being out, Reggie goes to his crate and his tail goes thumpa-thumpa-thumpa as he wags. He pokes his nose out and I scritchy-scratch under his chin. Now, whenever he wants to be pet, he goes to his crate & wags his tail. A couple weeks ago, I walked into the house from being out, and for the first time ever, Reggie didn't go to his crate to be petted. He came to my side! Strokey-stroke under the chin. Swishy-swish goes the tail. Progress!

Fortunately, Reggie didn't have a negative experience with other dogs. Bingo has been a calming, nurturing presence for him. And now with Buddy, he has a real play mate who can keep up with him and wrestle & romp. Reggie is such a sweet boy; I'm so glad he's part of the family.  :-)

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