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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

PUPPIES!!! :-)

Friend Tessa took in a stray black and tan coon hound whom she named Gertie. 

She scheduled a spaying for her but found out she was pregnant! Gertie had seven puppies--none are black and tan, but they do have the adorable droopy ears! Tessa thinks that Dad must be a bird dog. She has found homes for 2 of the puppies already. They are 7 weeks old right now, so they'll be ready to go in another week or so.
Here are all seven at the watering bowl:

I went over this past Sunday and took 902 photos! So when you look at this post and think, "Wow! There are a lot of photos!" Just remember: I edited.  Ready?  Here we go!
Tessa with the pups.
This sweet girl . . . so CUTE! I'll call her Socks, because she's in some more pix.

They have been socialized with Tessa's doxie, Sophie:

Droopy ears and squishy faces. Could they be any cuter?!

Playing with a sibling:

They are also being socialized with the cats--altho, I don't think that's what the cats would say!

Those ears!

 They have room to romp on the back deck. This one comes to say hullo:

The cat, not amused:


Tessa was inside, so they wanted in!

Mama Gertie:

Peeking thru the enclosure:

We were rounding up the puppies and putting them back after  their romp.
It was almost like herding cats.

Everything is a toy when you're a puppy:
This little guy untied Tessa's shoe lace.
Getting sleeeeepy . . . 

This little guy--so funny!

Here's Socks again:

Socks: Everything is something to chew on! 

Sock's paw:

Stretching out the hip flexors:

Here's Socks again, at my feet:

Zzzzz . . . nap time:

Not quite ready for a nap:


Socks again:

Pulling on sister Olivia's shirt:
Olivia takes the day shift of puppy care while Tessa is at work.

See Socks on the right?

Socks: Zzzzzz . . . .

Tail at half-droop.

Little tongue sticking out:


Look at the puppy on the right in the background. He's pointing!

Under the bushes:

Another cat: not amused.

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