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Monday, October 19, 2015


This past weekend, Mum made her Cursillo. So I made a paper-dori (scrapbook paper) traveler's notebook for her and two others from our church who were attending. Here they are:
These were passport size.
 This was Mum's:

Inside: I thought it fitting to use crown graphics!
The music thing on the right is a folder.
 I put three little lined notebooks in:

Butterflies are a theme for Cursillo:

I calligraphed some quotes for her.

Back of notebook:

Here's the other passport size one I made:
The inside matches Mum's.
This was a larger one that I made:
Gold metallic, textured paper that I put thru the laminator
to sturdy it up. It was 8 1/2" X 11" that I folded over.
Inside without the notebooks:

Folder made with scrapbook paper & washi tape.
 She likes graph paper, so I made notebooks with graph paper, cut down & then made scrapbook paper covers for the booklets:

As we say as Cursillistas, DeColores!

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