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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Grace's Bible-dori

I have been waiting to post this because I didn't want to spoil it for Grace, my YouTube friend in Oz. We had a back 'n' forth on my Tea Time Traveler's Notebook video about my Bible-dori. I had gotten 4 purple pocket bibles (USED--I draw the line at defiling a new bible!) but this one had this on it:

So it was meant to be!  Here are some photos:

Charm on side:

I made a pocket on the inside cover with coordinating scrapbook paper: 
A card for Grace tucked in the pocket. On the right I made a pocket
folder, which I think I laminated so it could be used as a dashboard. 
Inside of folder:

A little envelope with a coupla packets of tea, because who doesn't like a cuppa?

I included some little notebooks that I'd gotten from Office Max, & put some quotes on them:
That's my favourite gratitude quote. I'm also reminded of Tony Robbins saying that you can't feel angry or afraid when you're feeling grateful. Kind of like how Bruce Lipton says that you can't be in a state of love or fear at the same time, either. 

Another quote & a coordinating purple pen. :-) 
Other side of pocket: 

With some goodies:
4-Leaf clovers because who doesn't need some luck?
I also made some quote cards for her:
Look! There's John Morgan. :-) Mum used to say, The world
would be a better place if everyone would just read John's blog!"
 The last insert, with the butterfly, is a 2-year calendar. A bit too long for the Bible-dori & the paper quality is not great. I won't be getting those again, but good to have as a reference. For Americans, tho. Not as handy for the international crowd!

And here's the back:
I didn't put a pocket on the back since I did the folder. Also,
from now on I'm going to do the enclosure elastics in the spine.
Here it is without the inserts:
The maps on the inside cover were actually part of the Bible and I glued them on as the background.
Here's all the stuff I put in there:

I was so excited to see Grace's video this morning to see how she's using it!

AWESOME!  And doesn't she have the CUTEST dog?!  :-)

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