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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Sean's Journal

Sean is a family friend for decades. He recently celebrated his 50th birthday, and my brother and I came up with a journal together.  I wrapped it in some wallpaper:

 Here's the book that I painted and then went over with gold. Those are Tim Holtz book corners, along with a Tim Holtz hitch post and a hair band for the closure:

Tim Holtz safety pin thingie with an "S" for Sean, as well as a little vintagey looking key:

Down below I put an "11" because there were no "50" numbers in the Tim Holtz collection:

Inside, pocket on left holds the birthday card, first insert on right:

Inside of card; pix taken at Sean's b-day party which was costumey. Friend Chris on the left didn't dress all LOR, so I added a crown & a medallion:

I think this is my favourite page. This insert opens up to the center. The original photo is of Sean juggling, and I added a chainsaw--and then of course, had to add a little NDT! (Neil DeGrasse Tyson).

I added some digital "stamping" of Star Trek thingies:

Here's a Lord of The Rings page:

Inside of Star Trek themed insert:

This is the meme that started it all! Atlasta sent it to me and said he wanted to make sure it was in the journal. So I did a lot of Star Trek, Star Wars, etc.

The book is an old encyclopedia with cool, retro paper:

And here's a flip-thru:

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