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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

HAPPY 2019!!!

Here's my quote for the day by that magnificent philosopher, author and genius, Robert Heinlein, since I was not up at my usual 5:30 a.m.-ish:

"Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something."  

I only woke up at 8:38 a.m. because Bingo was squeaking for breakfast:
Bingo's "FEED ME" Look.
And by "squeaking,"  I mean whining.  On the other hand, I was awakened at midnight by the neighbors ALL AROUND me setting off fireworks!  Across the lake, next door, across the street.  Good times.  Then I was awake, so I reviewed my 2018 journal for a coupla hours and noticed how much I actually accomplished. So I wrote a "Yay, me" list.   

One of those things: I built a boom for my camera!  (And by "I" I mean that I got the materials and Brother Atlasta whipped it together for me, lickety split. I could have done it, but I would have been less lickety-splitty).  As I stood staring at my camera set up on the tri-pod trying to figure out how to film a new way, I thought, "Why am I trying to reinvent the wheel here?  Someone has already done this and has a tutorial on Youtube!"  And so THANKS to water colour artist Wonder Forest, I saved a LOT of time: 

And THANKS to my bro. Just waiting on clip thingie from Amazon to secure to the galvanized pipe and then I'm set for overhead, hands-free filming. Squeeee!   I did it.  2019, here I come!  Tutorials, journals, and courses, oh my!   :-)

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