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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

By Cracky!

Downed tree in front of canoe I discovered when all the leaves fell off the trees. I did a post on it that mysteriously disappeared until I searched my blog for "roof vacuuming."

"Roof vacuuming???" you might very well ask. Go see, I'll wait....
OK, so we had a fierce windstorm on Sunday. Fierce! Remi and I were walking outside and the trees were swaying and I was hearing cracking in the woods. And he ran under the deck--when animals take cover, I take notice. So we went back inside. This tree went down at the edge of my field.

Sunday night I got a call from Mum. [Read with Mary Poppins English accent]

I was going to a concert and I got all the way to the end of the driveway and there was a tree across the road. I said, "What, Mum? You didn't whip out your chainsaw and hack it out of the way?" Well. She doesn't have a chainsaw, but only because we didn't give her one for Christmas.

It was a SMALL tree, and I DO have a handsaw...but it's dark.

And if you know my mother, and you may have an inkling if you read about her adventures in roof vacuuming, or previous posts, I'm sure she would have been out there if it were daylight.

No that's all right. I can get it--just a small tree, really. No bother at all....that's my mother. :-)

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