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Monday, February 11, 2008

LOVE Never Dies

I was asked a few months ago to contribute to a scrapbook for Claudette, the matriarch of the Brimhall clan. She has been in my thoughts and prayers alot since last Feb. when she was first diagnosed with cancer. She passed away last week, and her funeral is today. Words fail me at this moment, so I am going to leave you with the poem I wrote for her.


From the heart of a mother
To daughter and son,
LOVE shines through
From the Holy ONE.

Heavenly Father
Guides and directs
This heavenly mother
Nurtures, protects.

In times of Light
In times of dark
LOVE from a mother
Is never far.

Her hand of kindness
Her hand of LOVE
Guided by God
From up above

In Spirit and flesh
In Light, in Truth
This mother’s LOVE
Follows you

From here to there
From near to far
A mother’s LOVE
Is wherever you are.

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