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Friday, July 31, 2009

HAPPY B-day, Jerry!

Today is Jerry Stocking's birthday. When I first started working for John Morgan Seminars, John would say, "Jerry Stocking says, blah blah blah." And I would say, "Jerry says that? Hmmm." And then he would say, "And when you go work with Jerry...." Not if, when. So I finally met Jerry last year when I went to Georgia for his Personal Renaissance course. He is an AMAZING teacher and has become a dear friend.

Look at that face! :-) Jerry with Petra Nemcova

A few favourite Jerry quotes:

Everything is easier than you think it's going to be except when it's harder.

What if what you're looking for on the outside is on the inside, and what if what you're looking for on the inside is on the outside?

In the present, everything lasts forever.

You've bored yourself to death, and you call it life.

You've got this whole "I'm doing my own thing" routine--just like all the other people who are doing their own thing.

How much of your life is spent auditioning for a role you didn't want?

It's important to me that you progress, it's not important to me that you like me. I'm willing to risk that.

Are you willing to go through the swamp of confusion to get to who you really are?

I wish you a day of FUN & PLAY. :-)

P.S. To find out more about Jerry, I invite you to visit his website. He's also on Twitter here and here.


  1. Thanks Hali for the birthday wish. I am visiting family. Ram Dass said "If you think you are enlightened visit your parents". I am not busy thinking I am enlightened but am visiting anyway.

    Yesterday we visited a flower garden: magnificent! Reminded of what a pleasure it is to be in your presence as you bloom, and me too.

    Thanks for being a good friend and fellow traveler on this endlessly fascinating journey.

    Love, Jerry

  2. Dear Jerry,
    THANK YOU for your kindness, humour, and friendship. I am forever grateful that we share the path in this labyrinth we call Life. :-) H.


YAY! I welcome all comments, insights, & feedback--except for you spammy types. You know who you are. For the rest of my friends in Blogger Land: Would you like a cup of tea? :-) Hali