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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Eddie Iz STILL Running

Eddie's road.

Eddie Izzard, British comedian, has been running a marathon a day for charity. I've been following him on Twitter. Today is his 38th marathon. 38th!!! WOW. Running is kind of like gardening to me; I like the idea of it. Nevertheless, inspired by Eddie, I decided if he could run a marathon a day, I could at least give it a go to my postbox. [Pause for laughter. Yeah, you know who you are--Laughing People]. After all, it's a mile round trip. I'm calling it my Postbox Marathon-a-Day. Lessee. I ran last week. Down that hilly part of the road. Yay, me!

Back to Eddie: you can follow him here & get all sorts of wonderful random shots of road signs, & knackered Eddie pix. He posted an oozing toe photo with a plea not to let it be in vain. Mum saw it & said, "That's disgusting--did I show you that picture of peppers?" WHAT? "Seeing his toe just reminded me." You can donate here.

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