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Thursday, September 10, 2009

End of Summer

We are into my favourite time of year: Autumn. Crisp breeziness through glorious colours. We've had a bit of a drought and my 7 miles of gravel-and-dirt road is mostly dirt. If a truck is ahead of me I have to slow to 15 mph. Ah, but it's so pretty:

It's a dusty Christmas . . . er, shrub!

I would prolly not appreciate it as a hiker along the road, but I accept it as part of the journey out & back. I'm reminded of something John Morgan said to me in a phone convo:

I wish it was the way it isn't.

So it's dusty. It's changing seasons. I can lament or I can accept. One is closed, one is open. One is rigid, one is flexible. One rejects, one accepts. Lamenting prolongs our misery. When we have our focus on what we think should be, we miss what is right in front of us. Worse, we miss the opportunity to shift into a different awareness. Acceptance is the first step to awareness.

This is the part where Mum says I sound more and more like John's Grasshopper Notes. Perhaps. :-) Back tomorrow with some cool labyrinth projects I've been working on. In the meantime, may your day be the way it is.

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