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Monday, November 8, 2010

M&M Monday

Picking up the girls after a week at Mystic Pet.  :-)

The girls came running--er, fast-walking. Maggie was actually jumping up and down! Gareth said that the girls were in the groom room and he whispered to Lena, "I think Millie's my favourite. She's so quiet." I think it's cute that he's whispering--you know. In case they heard him.

My Ellen friend Aida from San Diego came for a brief vizzie with her friend Chardane.

The girls say hullo to Chardane.

Hullo, Aida!

Gareth said that Maggie doesn't eat her food. She does that at home; sort of letting Millie woof her food down and then she plays the Snarly Food Bowl game. Eventually she eats her food. Anyway, so he hand fed her. So then I got her back after a week of hand-feeding, and she won't eat! So then I hand fed her, at which point, John says, "Well, I guess she's training you."  So I have food by the water bowl in the kitchen, and their individual bowls in the LR. And Maggie does this:

*sigh* Ripping into the dog food bag.  Silly girl.  :-)

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