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Monday, December 27, 2010

M&M Monday

This week has been wonderfully ordinary. Here are a few pix of our week:

Maggie, the plop-downer.

Maggie likes to be near me, so the coffee table ends up
more in the center of the room so she can fit by me.

Most of the snow has melted. Maggie plopped down. Again.

On the back porch. "Meh. It's not that cold. We'll stay out here for a while.
And if we just HAPPEN to see the cat . . . . "

View from kitchen window, this a.m. Our snowstorm is more of a snow dusting.

La dee da.


Maggie, post-breakfast snooze. Zzzzz . . . .

Notice Millie has her bone on her pillow.  Zzzz . . . .  

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