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Thursday, December 23, 2010

* Snow *

Before the snow completely melts, I thought I'd post a few first snow-of-the-season pix.

View out kitchen window. Chiro-sister's stained glass adds a splash of colour.
View off back porch.
View off back porch overlooking the now-empty wood shed.
I love how the landscape can go from this:

See the bears? Kidding. No bears. Maggie & Millie out for a stroll.

To this:

Front yard:
Gorgeous afternoon shot.

Morning sunrise with snow.

Gorgeous pinky-sunrise clouds.

Back to the afternoon:

It really is so beautiful here. I'm reminded of Albert Einstein's quote:

As I grow older, the identification with the here and now is slowly lost. One feels dissolved and merged into Nature. The greatest experience we can have is the mysterious.

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