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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Millie's Version of TV

One of Millie's favourite spots inside was on her bed in front of the living room window, overlooking the front field. This was her version of  TV: turkey, squirrels, rabbits, deer, trains, cars,  hawks & eagles, people coming up the drive and the occasional bear. One day she was barking & I followed her line of sight and waaaaay off in the distance was a faint white line of an airplane trail going across the sky.

"Whatcha lookin' at, Mil?" I'd say.

Perhaps ice on the river.
Neighbor Dave on his tractor was a familiar sight.

On this particular day, Millie was barking at something. I looked out the window to follow her line of sight & realized she was watching debris floating down the flooded river. That's how I found out it was flooded! Every time a tree or something BIG would go down, she'd woof!

See the wild turkey?

Turkeys & their chicks this summer.

And deer . . .

Bonus!  All at the same time!

2 beds to boost her up so she could see better.

More turkeys.

I loved looking at the expression on her face; brow furrowed, so intent.

She did sometimes face the other way . . .
Millie was good at finding the one slippery spot without carpet & plopping down & getting stuck. [I have an early post of duct taping carpet to floors so she wouldn't get stuck.] I finally wedged these 2 beds together so there was no room for her to slip off. This doubled as a great bed for the 2 youngest nieces when they came for a visit.
And when the entertainment was over, she'd lie down and rest . . .

or take a snooze . . . 

Zzzzzz . . . .

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