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Monday, January 16, 2012

Maggie on Monday

Laundry Day:

Aaaaand Maggie is sitting on her bed with out the cover.  This is her spot, under the table when I'm doing anything in the kitchen. Her eating spot is on the blue rug, and she will go sit there when she's hungry. She's got me trained!

We've had some REALLY cold days! But she still comes to sit out on the porch.

Such a sweet face.  :-)

Looking over at Neighbor Thomas's house where Roxi Rottweiler & Lucky Jack Russel live.

Paws draped over. 
You may recall we had a vizzie from a coupla Mormon lads on their mission. They came back, only this time it was FREEZING. We chatted for a bit, I invited them in to the warm living room, but they weren't permitted to with just a single gal. So, I gave Elder LeSueur a hat & scarf to keep warm:

Flowers & sparkles--but warm!  Both boys said when Maggie came trotting over to say hullo, "Oh, Maggie!  You're still alive!"  hahahaha  Yup. Doing quite well, thank you. 
Maggie this morning:

She did a long walk in the yard this a.m. 

Heading back . . . 

. . . but not yet!

So I went inside to get her breakfast.


Ready for breakfast! 

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