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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fisherman Willie

A couple weekends ago, I popped up to see Mum after a day in Sperryville. I stopped on Overall Bridge to take some pix:

You can just barely see the barn if you know where to look. And that dot is the roof of the river house. ;-)
Overlooking Overall Beach:

Do you see what I see?

Fisherman Willie!  In all the years I lived there, I never would see him when I was on the other side of the river. I waved & hollered, but he didn't hear me. 
Then I went to see Mum & had dinner with her & Pioneer Sister's kiddliewinks. On the way back, I stopped on the bridge again and honked my horn:

Oh look!

Still one of my favourite sights: Fisherman Willie down by the river. And you can just make out friend Fred to the right, there. Good times.  :-)

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