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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Last Saturday, my nephew was part of a concert at the middle school in Woodstock. I'd never been there before. I went to small schools all my life, so huge public schools are so . . . HUGE. I have to say I was impressed with the art work in the building. So here are a few pix:
Cardboard & paint.
The following pix are ceiling tiles that were painted. AWESOMEness!

This was heading up a stairwell. 

This was over the art classroom. "An artist can't fail; it is a success to be one."

I can't remember if this was a ceiling tile or art on the wall. It's that good!
Here's some other art work, not on the ceiling:

This must have been a doorway that got bricked up. 

I think this was some sort of resist process--looking like Batik.

Love the textures & colours.

Somebody likes Vanilla Ice.  :-)

Series of Kandinsky-inspired ceiling tiles.
It looks like art is alive in at least one school!  It makes my heart happy to see it. Speaking of hearts:

This was a door on a classroom, with a heart-shaped pattern in the wood.  :-)

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