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Friday, May 11, 2012

HaPpY BirThDaY, MeL!

Mel's cake from Mum, last year. Mum did the writing & the sun.  I did the flowers, but wasn't trusted to do the 3 lines together--also known as "grass."

Last summer at the River House, fishin' on the Shenandoah.

Today I send birthday wishes to family friend Mel. She is one of the kindest, most thoughtful people I know. She is the kind of person who makes the world better for the people who are fortunate enough to be in her world.

I sometimes refer to her as Crossword Puzzle Mel because she is a wiz at them!  Mum moved here last week, but until then, almost every Sunday, Mum & Mel did the Washington Post crossword puzzle together for years. I'm sure Mum will figure out Brother Atlasta will set Mum up to video chat with Mel so they can continue their Sunday Crossword Puzzle Fests. I admire Mel for her cleverness with Crosswords because it's a skill & talent I don't own. I don't get the clues unless it's some sort of obvious Seinfeld or Beatles trivia, and then! Sometimes all the clues make up some sort of special clue to an extra part of the puzzle, for extra-fun. If my life depended on finishing a crossword puzzle, I would be prepared to meet my maker. So this is just one of the things I admire about Mel, she's just smart that way.

Hubby John with Mel on my Lake House moving day. 

But perhaps I can try my hand at writing a crossword puzzle clue: 3 letter word that represents kindness, compassion, patience, devotion, friendliness, loyalty, & hugs.


HaPpY BirThDaY, MeL!

May today bring you much luck & may your wishes come true! 
Sending you much LOVE on this day, and always!  :-) Hal

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