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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Memories of Maggie

I think I'm having an easier time of Maggie's passing because I didn't have to make any decision about euthanasia. She decided for me. Here are a few photos of our time together:

At the river house, nestled in by the wood shed, one of her favourite spots.

Lying on top of my shoes.  So cute.

Look at that face. 

This was shortly after I got her. 

Coming up the dog ramp at the River House. 

Another favourite spot: under the forsythia bush.
Forsythia bush in the fall. 

This was when she had vertigo. See the head tilt? Chiro & laser to the rescue & she was with me for another year & a half! 

Eye dots!  

'member this? We didn't have a lot of visitors at the River House. This was one of  the well repair guys. Melted my heart when I saw this; fellow dog lover.  :-) 

Foggy day at the River House, Maggie heading to the ramp.

At the new house, on the front porch. Eye dots!

Up the ramp with Tabby in the way.

On the side walk.


Exploring the yard.

My sweet Maggie, around last Christmas (I can tell because of her Christmassy bandana). 
And here are a few pix of Maggie & Millie together:
'member this? They woke me up barking at 3 AM & I found that Maggie had taken my slipper & is guarding it from Millie.  Hahahaha

Millie leads the way down the ramp. Step-step-step  Stop 'n' look over at the railroad tracks & mountains.

Last Spring at the River House, near the clothes line. Red buds in bloom!

In my office. I had dog beds everywhere! Maggie's in her thunder shirt, Millie's sacked out.

On the back porch, over looking their domain.

Another favourite photo. Ever vigilant. 

Watching deer in the front field. Or wild turkeys, squirrels, & the occasional bear.

They adored Fisherman Willie!

This was a sleep-over with Pioneer Sister's kids. Maggie plopped on top of pillows & blankets.  Mari pointed out that M&M were not kid-friendly to begin with. When the kids first met them at Mystic Pet in their kennel, they BARKED & were v. scary!  I think they must have been teased by kids at some point when they were behind a fence. Once we were at home, they were really sweet with the kids & we didn't have any problems.  :-)

Vizzies with Mum. Millie in her favourite spot by the window.

First week at the new house, in the back yard.  You can click HERE for more M&M pix. 

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