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Monday, January 28, 2013

Snow Bunny Bingo

It has been cold-cold-cold this week and we had snow twice!  Thursday morning, melted by afternoon & snow on Friday afternoon, almost all melted Saturday afternoon. So I got a few snowy pix.  Also, Bingo got a vizzie with her doggie friends Dana & Roy at Neighbor-friend Rita's.

Dana & Bingo at the door when I came to pick up Bingo.

Bye-bye, Dana!
 Snowy sunrise on Saturday morning:

Tabby Bobcat loathes the snow!
Dipping his toes into the snow. 

One of my tulip poplar trees.

Tabby walking on the porch . . . 

. . . to the end of the sidewalk.

Side yard.

Tabby Bobcat making his way up the drive way.

Snowy paw lift.

Back down the drive way.

Down to the lake:

The lake is frozen over.

Bingo loves digging thru the snow. And then comes the sound of a loud meowing, that sounds like MOW (rhymes with COW):
MOW . . . MOW . . . MOW

Snowy nose.  :-)

Tabby comes toward me. 

Digging in the snow.

Bingo hears dogs barking.

Tabby leaving back toward the house.


Saturday afternoon walk:

Snow is gone in most places.

The lake is melting.

Snowy Bingo paw print.

Digging into the snowy leaves.


More digging.

Burying her face in the leaves.

On a warming up Saturday afternoon.  :-)

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